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Thursday, July 22, 2010 a HUGE scam

PARTYPOP.COM5200 Kanan Road, Suite 225 Agoura Hills California 91301 U.S.A.

I just wanted to inform anyone thinking about using the services of to think twice. They are some of the biggest scam artists I have ever heard of. They gather your credit card information, charge you after you cancel for no results, and keep charging you until you are forced to change your debit card number. Avi Detner is the CEO of this fake organization, and he has been sued multiple times over for not providing the results they promised, and for charging their customer's credit cards without their permission. partypop, is profiting from a scam, and I am wirting this blog, and many others to provide potential buyers with advice NOT to use their services! I will be filing a lawsuit shortly, for fraud, and unauthorized charges to my account. They are also posting my information on their websites using DJ Akib Entertainment as one of their references when I clearly asked them NOT to. If anyone has similar experiences I woule encourage you to do the same, and keep posting complaints until they STOP this madness.

Akib Khanani


  1. This woman kept calling, pressuring me into joining and when I told her I heard of partypop as a sham she instantly became nervous and she quickly disconnected the line. After I told her of what I heard she did not even attempt to give me any type of assurance... she just kept saying "huh! this is the first time I heard of this" and continued with "huh! huh!" and then *click*. Several people complained of this site. I am glad I did not give her my information. She always asked for my credit/debit card information.

  2. I got one better for you. This guy names "Ed" kept blowing up my phone to try to get me to sign up. I kept telling him I only wanted to free listing. He blew up m phone. Calling me 4-5 times at a time after I told him I was sick and couldn't talk at that moment. The 5th time he called I was so annoyed I told him. "Look, please don't call me anymore." and hung out the phone. He called me back AGAIN, this time I let it go to voice mail. He then left me a vm message saying I was STUPID if I didn't sign up with their company because they could give me so much business. And if I was that STUPID they didn't want me as a customer anyway. Oh and they were deleting my free listing.The guy was DUMB enough to leave this on a voice mail message. You better believe I am in the process of adding it to youtube and will post link after link all over the internet about how awful these people are. Do not EVER do business with them.
